Unincarnated Saint Petersburg. Architectural Projects Of The Early Twentieth Century

12 октября 2020

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At the end of 2019, the State Museum Of History of St. Petersburg released a new album-catalog ‘Unincarnated Petersburg. Architectural projects of the early twentieth century’, based on the materials of the same named exhibition, held in September 2018 — January 2019 in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

© State Museum of History of Saint Petersburg

The album-catalog contains project graphics from the collections of the State Museum of History of St. Petersburg, The Scientific-Research Museum of the Russian Academy Of Arts, the State Memorial Museum of A.V. Suvorov and the State Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Shchusev. As well as projects of the State Duma building on the Field Of Mars, a ‘russian-style’ Stadium for 30 thousand people on Vatny Island, a Grand Concert Hall on the Neva River (built on the bulk continuation of the spit of Vasilievsky Island), a Military History Museum on Tavricheskaya street, the development of Goloday Island and other interesting documents.

With the permission of the Museum of History of St. Petersburg, ART Point Magazine publishes an introduction by the catalog’s author Lyudmila Kirikova, as well as some illustrations from the album.

Project of the concert hall at the spit of Vasilievsky island

Yakov Yakovlevich Belsen (1870-1937) designed by V. I. Chagin and V. I. Shene.
View of The concert hall in the panorama of the Neva. Around the year 1900.
Reproduction from the magazine «Builder». March 1901
Private collection, Saint Petersburg © State Museum of History of Saint Petersburg

Design of the St. Petersburg metro by P. A. Belinsky and M. A. Werner

Unknown artist. The view of the canal and the viaduct. 1902
Paper, watercolor. State Museum Of history of Saint Petersburg no. I-A1557-a ° Press service of the State Museum Of History Of Saint Petersburg

Design of the St. Petersburg metro by P. A. Belinsky and M. A. Werner

Nikolai Nikolaevich Karazin (1842-1909). Viaduct at Znamenskaya square. 1902
Paper, ink, watercolor. State Museum Of history of St. Petersburg. no. I-A-1619-a © Press service of the State Museum Of History Of St. Petersburg

The project of Boulevard on the site of the Catherine canal (now the Griboyedov canal)

Vladimir Petrovich Apyshkov (1871-1939). Boulevard on the site of the Catherine Canal. 1906
Paper, ink, watercolor. The State Museum Of History Of Saint Petersburg no. I-A-131-I © Press service of the State Museum Of History Of St. Petersburg

The State Duma on the Field of Mars

Alexander Ivanovich Dmitriev (1878-1959). Competitive design of the State Duma building. I prize. 1906
Reproduction from the Architect magazine. 1906. P. 32. State Museum Of History Of St. Petersburg. 447066 © Press service of the State Museum Of History Of St. Petersburg

The Vatniy Island

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Pokrovsky (1871-1931)
Ieronim Sevastyanovich Kitner (1839-1929). A bird’s-eye view of the stadium. 1914
Reproduction from «Construction And Architecture of Leningrad» magazine. 1979. No. 6. P. 38
Private collection, Saint Petersburg © Press service of the State Museum Of History Of St. Petersburg

The Monument to the III Communist International (Tatlin Tower)

Vladimir Yevgrafovich Tatlin (1885-1953). Project of the Eastern facade. 1919
Reproduction from the book: Punin N. Monument of the third Communist international. 1920
State Museum Of history of St. Petersburg 295485/2 © Press service of the State Museum Of History Of St. Petersburg

The Monument to V. I. Lenin on the Revolution Square (now Troitskaya square)

Vladimir Alekseyevich Shchuko (1878-1939). With the participation of Vladimir G. Gelfreich (1885-1967). Draft design of the monument to V. I. Lenin. February 1924
Reproduction from the book: Etkind M. Lenin speaks from an armored car. L.; M. 1958
Library Of The State Museum Of History Of Saint Petersburg © Press service of the State Museum Of History Of St. Petersburg

Unincarnated Petersburg. Architectural projects of the early XX century:
album-catalog /The State Museum Of History Of St. Petersburg; author-compiler L. A. Kirikova. —St. Petersburg: The State Museum Of History Of St. Petersburg, 2019. — 96 p.: coloured illustrations.

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